mercoledì 13 marzo 2013

Ten most effective ab exercises

With summertime fast approaching and with it, swimsuit season, many people have their minds on getting their stomachs ready to be seen.  But what is the key to getting those abdominals picture perfect?  Some people purchase specialized machinery that claims to target the core area while others swear by routines such as yoga or aerobics.  Others join gyms and solicit help from professional personal trainers.  While all these things can help to accomplish the goal of a sleek physique, there are several
exercises that can be done with very little equipment, from home, that are extremely effective at targeting the abdominal muscles group.

#1 – Planks
Planks are one of the newest fads when it comes to abdominal exercises.  With endorsements from celebrity hotties to sports superstars, people are learning this simple way to build stronger ab muscles.  To do a plank, begin in a position where your knees and forearms are on the floor.  From this position, stretch one leg out straight until you are balancing on your toes.  Then, place the other leg in the same way and hold, keeping your core lifted, your back flat, and your abdominals tight.  Start by holding for 15 seconds and gradually work your way up to a full minute in this position.

#2 – Reverse Crunch
To perform this exercise, begin by lying on the floor on your back.  With your hands resting at your side, lift the legs until they form a 90 degree angle.  Press your lower back into the floor and use your abdominal muscles to lift your hips off the floor.  Return your hips to the floor and repeat.

#3 – The Bicycle
As its name suggests, this work out imitates the action of the legs when riding a bicycle.  To begin, lay flat on the floor on your back.  Place your hands behind your head and bring your knees into your chest.  From this position, extend the right leg out and allow the left leg that is folded to touch the right elbow.  Alternate sides, bringing the extended leg as low to the ground as you can without placing it on the floor.  Keep your lower back into the floor and the abs tight at all times.

#4 – Exercise Ball Crunch
This exercise uses a simple tool, the exercise or stability ball.  If you do not have access to a ball, you can do it on the floor as well.  To begin, balance with your lower back firm on the ball and your feet flat on the floor.  Place your hands behind your head or neck and slowly use your abs to lift your shoulders for a crunch.  Return to first position and repeat.  Watch to ensure that you are keeping your back straight, your stomach pulled in, and your legs in position.  For additional core training exercises using a stability or exercise ball, please visit here.

As with any exercise, be sure to pay attention to your body.  If you experience severe pain or have problems, stop the exercise right away and consult a physician or sports medicine professional.

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