giovedì 14 marzo 2013

How to get a six-pack fast

Getting six pack abs fast is no easy task. You can believe all the info-mercials you want, but getting a six pack isn't an overnight event. There isn't one particular thing that you can do to have rock-hard abdominals. Rather, there are a few different things that will help you achieve a chiseled midsection. You need to work out those abs, burn that fat with a good cardio workout, and eat healthy!
The obvious way to get abs is to work them out. There seems to be about 40 schools of thought on what are the best ab workouts. All I can say is find what works for you. Don't do what is easiest, do what burns. If you want to stick with the age-old sit-ups or crunches, make sure you do them right. The key is to concentrate all of your energy to your abs when performing these exercises. Here are some other exercises that will help you get those rock-hard abs you want:
-Crunches using an exercise ball: The exercise ball will give you a great abdominal stretch and the ball also makes your abs work hard to stabilize your weight.
-Pilates: A great pilates program/workout is a challenging and productive workout for your core/abs.
-Resistance training for abs: There are machines and pulleys that can be very effective in resistance training. I recommend using weight that you can rep at least 10-15 times during resistance exercises. (Note: too much weight can eventually make abs bulky, instead of lean and flat)
-Oblique training: Obliques are the abdominal muscle on the sides of your torso that surround your "six pack". Torso twists and weighted side bends are great oblique exercises that are very effective.

Cardiovascular training is extremely vital in having sculpted abs. Keep sweating, keep that heart rate up, keep burning fat! The best way to see those abs is to get rid of the fat that is hiding them! There are countless things you can do for a cardio workout;

-Jump rope
-Eliptical running
-Cardio boxing/kickboxing

Along with burning fat, a good cardio exercise works out all of your core muscles to some degree, including your abs. Most importantly, doing cardio increases your metabolism. A boosted metabolism burns more fat, less fat means better abs, it's simple math.
Forget the pills, the fad diets, and the obsessive calorie counting. Just eat smart! A healthy diet will go a long way in helping you achieve that six pack. Here are some healthy eating tips:
-Make sure you eat! Skipping meals will destroy your metabolism.
-Eating 5 to 6 smaller portioned meals a day is a great way to boost metabolism.
-Keep a good balance of calories, carbs, protein, and fats in your diet.
-Drink plenty of water.
-Eat moderate portions, don't eat until you are full.
-Try to avoid unnecessary salt/sugar.
You know what is good for you and what isn't, so just try to be sensible. All of these things combined with a good workout plan will be very instrumental in getting that washboard stomach.

Not everyone can get a chiseled six pack. Genetically, some people were just not made to look like a Greek god. I have friends who do all the right things but have very little abdominal definition. Then there are the people I know who eat cheeseburgers and drink beer and look like bathing suit models. No matter what type of body you have, a combination of good abdominal training, cardio, and a healthy diet will get your midsection as fit of possible. Good luck!

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