domenica 17 marzo 2013

What you need to know about weight training

If you want to build real functional strength, bones that are virtually immune from osteoporosis, and a lean well-toned body, you might consider weight training. Huh? you say. Won't training with weights make me bulky?
The only way you can bulk up with weight training is when you use high volume bodybuilding techniques combined with an extra high protein diet.
Weight training exercises are performed in multiple "sets", each set consists of a number of repetitions (reps), with a rest period between each set. Volume is the total number of reps in any given workout. Bodybuilders use high volume and short rests (less than 2 minutes) between sets to maximize muscle tear down (catabolism). They eat extra protein to fuel the muscle reconstruction (anabolism) that follows.
Most people picture weight training as the exclusive domain of bodybuilders. Not true. Bodybuilding is simply one approach. Strength training with weights has a long history that predates bodybuilding. The goals and methods of strength training are quite different.
The goal of strength training is to get stronger and harder without getting bigger. You train using heavy weights, low volume and plenty of rest (3 to 5 minutes or more) between sets. Typically no more than 5 reps and no more than 2 sets for a given exercise. This approach minimizes catabolism and anabolism.
But isn't training with heavy weights dangerous? No, in fact, heavy weights and low volume make weight training safer. Most weight training injuries are caused when you lose form due to fatigue. Strength training emphasizes whole body exercises like deadlifts, overhead standing presses, squats, etc. These exercises require a great deal of concentration and muscle tension. They are called whole body exercises because nearly every muscle is involved.
Your muscles fatigue at different rates. If your stabilizing muscles give out from fatigue at a critical point in an exercise, you're toast. With low volume, you complete the exercise before this can happen.
You don't walk into a gym and deadlift 400 lbs. on day one either. It takes time (4 to 6 weeks) to learn proper form and a gradual build up of weights before you can safely train hard with any new exercise, especially if you're new to weight training.
What's the deal with stronger bones? Weight training exercises put demands on your bones that stimulate bone formation, that can counteract and ever reverse the effects of osteoporosis. Weight training gives your bones a further boost because all of the muscles acting on your bones will be stronger.
Another big benefit of weight training is that it boosts your metabolism for more than 24 hours after you finish exercising. When you exercise aerobically the fat burning stops when you stop exercising.
Weight training can be a lifelong passion, that puts you into the best shape of your life and keeps you there - at any age and level of fitness. Just remember to respect the weights and put safety first.

sabato 16 marzo 2013

Ways to exercise without going to the gym


Sometimes finding the opportunities to make it to the gym can be impossible to fit in to your normal schedule. Everyday life can conflict with the personal you you’re looking for. The good news is that you don’t necessarily need to find yourself at the gym to find yourself fit. There are plenty ways of sneaking in exercises without gym membership to the gym.
The first piece of advice is to invest in a pair of dumbbells. These are sold at most Wal-marts and can be utilized an in infinite number of ways. It’s tough to say how heavy to go but I would suggest that you should be able to raise them outwards from your body at least twenty times.
Now one of the best ways to use your dumbbells is doing shoulder circuits. The first exercise in the circuit is the Front Raise. To do this hold the dumbbells by your side and raise your arms forward until your arms are parallel to the ground and then back down.
The second of these exercises is the Upright Row. Hold the dumbbells by your waist parallel to the trunk of your body. Then raise the dumbbells to your armpits and then back down.
The third of these exercises is called Lateral Raise. To do this exercise again start with the dumbbells by your waist and then raise your arms outwards from your body and then back down.
The fourth and final exercise is called Bent Over Row. To do this exercise bent your knees a little and bend over until you back is slightly more than 45 degrees to the ground. Let the dumbbells hand down. Then lift your arms up backwards and then back down. This completes the shoulder circuit. I would suggest maybe starting out with 15-20 reps of each and decreasing the amount after each completion of the circuit. One of the most important things to remember while doing this is to not sway. Swaying will make the workout less efficient and you will have wasted your time. Isolate the movements to your muscles.
 Abs are a very sought after thing for people in this life and let me tell you that abs do not come easy. To work out abs I prefer to use another circuit because I hate doing repetitive motion the whole time.
First start out by completing simple sit ups. If you still have your dumbbell the next exercise uses some sort of weight. While lying flat on the ground, move your arms, preferably holding the weight, over your head. Then move your legs up and at the same time move the weight to your feet. This should sort of make the motion of closing the letter V, hence the name V-up.
The third and fourth exercises in this circuit are called Slow and Fast Bike. While lying on the ground hold the back of your head with your hands. Then hold your feet 6-12 inches in the air. Next, bring up one of your knees and bring your opposite elbow up to that knee. Then return and complete using the other knee and other elbow. Doing this slowly after the other two exercises should make your abs burn. After a about 10 slow reps about 5 per minute then try to complete the cycle as fast as you can until you can’t anymore.  If you repeat this cycle you should get a pretty decent ab workout.
Remember if abs are your goal you are going to need to eat healthy and run. Try to lay off any kinds of bread and stick to salads and fruit. Running is also vital to burn the calories that you do ingest and will set in your stomach area. Try to work up to at least 3 miles four times a week.
 There you have a perfectly good workout without the use of gym. Dumbbells are extremely affordable and are easily stored. Also, I don’t think I need to help you find ground to do the ab workouts.

venerdì 15 marzo 2013

Weight training at home vs. weight training at the gym

A question concerning many who are just now taking up a fitness regimen is, Should I workout at home or at the gym?
This is particularly pertinent in relation to weight training. With cardio you can run around the neighborhood, for abs you can do crunches on the living room floor. But with resistance training it’s a little different. Sure, you can do pushups or pull-ups, but for someone wanting real, tangible results from their strength training program, these are hardly enough.
They’re going to need to find a weight room.
But what if you can’t stand the gym? What if the generic gym user drives you nuts? What if you’re self-conscious? Or the dude flexing in the mirror makes you want to vomit? There are alternatives.
Like a home gym.
But can you get what you need out of a home lifting set-up? This depends mostly on what you want to accomplish. Are you just looking to beef-up a little, maybe look better naked? Or are you training for a power lifting contest or maybe a bodybuilding competition? If your goals aren’t all that lofty, then a gym may be superfluous; conversely, if you are aiming a little higher, a gym membership may be essential.
But there are other factors that need to be considered.
One major obstacle to someone who prefers the privacy and convenience of a home workout is money. Weights, benches, racks - these all cost money. Extravagantly, at times. A good squat rack can cost anywhere from $100 to $2000. A decent bench-press set can run you up to $800. And that’s not including weights or bars.
But on the other hand, a basic exercise bench won’t hurt your wallet much at $40. A new Olympic bar you can get for only $20. And don’t forget about EBay, Craig’s list and gym liquidation sales. But again, it comes down to what you want to do. A set-up for professional training could cost you into five figures, but a simple home circuit could be pretty near reasonable.
But at most gyms you get an entire weight set-up available to you for what is usually a workable membership fee. Looking around my area, the mean monthly membership cost is about $40/month, some with an enrollment fee up to $150. And that comes with all the other amenities: Cardio equipment, cable equipment, pool, hot tub, steam/sauna, tanning. Again, it comes down to what you need in order to accomplish your goals.
Finances aside, what about privacy? You may not want to hear all that grunting, or see the dudes flexing in the mirrors. You
may not want people watching you lift, or filling your ears with free advice that you probably don’t want. And what if you’re self-conscious and don’t want to be compared to all those meat-heads in the weight room? Getting naked in a locker room full of sweaty, stinky gym-goers may not be your thing.
But then, maybe you’re a very gregarious person, relishing the opportunity to converse with other lifters, exchange routines, etc. The gym has a wealth of information (good and bad). And for that grunting: headphones. And skin really doesn’t bother everyone (you could be an exhibitionist for all I know).
Another important consideration to make is how much direction you need. If you’re a novice and don’t have a learned colleague to help you at home, then for your own safety you really need to be lifting at a gym, with professional supervision.
And speaking of safety: For successful weight training, you’re really going to need a spotter at least every once in a while. Those who have dumped the weight doing squats, gotten stuck under the bar on the bench press know that a spotter can save you a lot of pain, even serious injury.
An advantage of a gym membership is that many come with complimentary personal training sessions. These offers aren’t just to get you to sign up. In many cases, they are necessary for people to learn safe and correct ways to perform resistance motions, and they teach you the basics of building muscle. Personal trainers can be a fantastic resource for meeting your weight training goals.
For some people, just the act of getting ready and going to the gym is motivation in itself. Making the effort to gather your things, drive somewhere, check in; many people feel the urge to make all of that trouble count.
Many people end up making friends or finding lifting partners at the gym. But some don’t much care for the social aspect; they would rather not have it to distract them from their lifting. And is going to the gym, particularly the weight room, an occasion to be picking up on men/women? Some think so, but really, no. It’s time to get things done.
So, what do you want to accomplish? That’s the question you should be asking yourself. Advanced, professional training equipment is expensive, and having at least one more person for heavy lifting is essential. But if what you have in mind is just doing some dumbbell exercises? Then lifting at home is probably enough; and the time-saving convenience of an at-home gym can be paramount. And don’t forget about that sweaty, noisy meat-head. He may be unpleasant, but if you’ve set your goals high and are committed to meeting them (and aren’t rich enough to afford all that equipment), you’ll find a way to deal with him.
What was taught to me, and what I’ve always found to be true, is that what makes or breaks your fitness routine isn’t the venue or the equipment, it’s you. Someone may have a $20,000 weight room in their house, but if they never use it, they’re probably not going to accomplish much. And you can’t get buff by osmosis in even the nicest weight room. So, figure out what you want, find what you need to get it, and do it. It’s that simple.

giovedì 14 marzo 2013

How to get a six-pack fast

Getting six pack abs fast is no easy task. You can believe all the info-mercials you want, but getting a six pack isn't an overnight event. There isn't one particular thing that you can do to have rock-hard abdominals. Rather, there are a few different things that will help you achieve a chiseled midsection. You need to work out those abs, burn that fat with a good cardio workout, and eat healthy!
The obvious way to get abs is to work them out. There seems to be about 40 schools of thought on what are the best ab workouts. All I can say is find what works for you. Don't do what is easiest, do what burns. If you want to stick with the age-old sit-ups or crunches, make sure you do them right. The key is to concentrate all of your energy to your abs when performing these exercises. Here are some other exercises that will help you get those rock-hard abs you want:
-Crunches using an exercise ball: The exercise ball will give you a great abdominal stretch and the ball also makes your abs work hard to stabilize your weight.
-Pilates: A great pilates program/workout is a challenging and productive workout for your core/abs.
-Resistance training for abs: There are machines and pulleys that can be very effective in resistance training. I recommend using weight that you can rep at least 10-15 times during resistance exercises. (Note: too much weight can eventually make abs bulky, instead of lean and flat)
-Oblique training: Obliques are the abdominal muscle on the sides of your torso that surround your "six pack". Torso twists and weighted side bends are great oblique exercises that are very effective.

Cardiovascular training is extremely vital in having sculpted abs. Keep sweating, keep that heart rate up, keep burning fat! The best way to see those abs is to get rid of the fat that is hiding them! There are countless things you can do for a cardio workout;

-Jump rope
-Eliptical running
-Cardio boxing/kickboxing

Along with burning fat, a good cardio exercise works out all of your core muscles to some degree, including your abs. Most importantly, doing cardio increases your metabolism. A boosted metabolism burns more fat, less fat means better abs, it's simple math.
Forget the pills, the fad diets, and the obsessive calorie counting. Just eat smart! A healthy diet will go a long way in helping you achieve that six pack. Here are some healthy eating tips:
-Make sure you eat! Skipping meals will destroy your metabolism.
-Eating 5 to 6 smaller portioned meals a day is a great way to boost metabolism.
-Keep a good balance of calories, carbs, protein, and fats in your diet.
-Drink plenty of water.
-Eat moderate portions, don't eat until you are full.
-Try to avoid unnecessary salt/sugar.
You know what is good for you and what isn't, so just try to be sensible. All of these things combined with a good workout plan will be very instrumental in getting that washboard stomach.

Not everyone can get a chiseled six pack. Genetically, some people were just not made to look like a Greek god. I have friends who do all the right things but have very little abdominal definition. Then there are the people I know who eat cheeseburgers and drink beer and look like bathing suit models. No matter what type of body you have, a combination of good abdominal training, cardio, and a healthy diet will get your midsection as fit of possible. Good luck!

BodyBuilding Abs: Where's Your 6-Pack

It's no secret-everybody wants rock hard abdominal muscles. As a bodybuilder, you shouldn't focus exclusively on this or any other group of muscles, but rather do training for your entire body. However, there are a few things you need to know about, and a few myths you need to bust, if you want develop your abs in a way to see results.
It is important to remember that your abdominal muscles are really no different than any other group of muscles in your body. Training to define your abs takes hard work and intensity. People who simply want to stay healthy and prevent love handles may find that doing crunches every night works perfectly, but this typical abdominal exercise, while it will help you keep off the weight, does nothing to define your muscles. Instead, you need to move to a workout that increases in intensity and gives you the look you desire.

Instead of just doing crunches ever day, try intensifying your workout by doing crunches on an incline. Do as many as possible, and each day try to do a few more. Even more beneficial than this, however, is to do regular or incline crunches with weights. Weight training will really help define your abdominal muscles, giving you the six-pack that most people only have in their dreams. Using weights, along with a healthy diet, will also help you keep the fat off, so your muscles will become even more defined, even when you are not flexing.

The abs machines you see on TV usually won't give you a good weight workout, because there is not enough resistance to intensify your workout from week to week. These machines are good for beginners or for those with serious weight problems who need to tone down, but in general, bodybuilders shouldn't waste their money. Instead, use one of your pulley machines to lift as you do crunches. Make sure you're raising the stack of weights one or two inches and load it with enough weight so that you are only able to do about ten reps. Each day, intensify your workout by adding around 5% more weight to the stack. If you find that you cannot do this, that's a sign that you need to take more time off between workouts to let your muscles rebuild from your last workout. Overall, this type of training, along with a healthy lifestyle, will help you find your six-pack.

How to Get a Six Pack With the Right Diet and Exercise

Are you tired of fad diets and trendy workout routines that promise quick results, yet fail to deliver? Would you be interested in some sound advice on how to sculpt your abs into the perfect six-pack? If so, you may find the information in this article very useful. Here we will discuss belly fat in some detail, explain why it can be so difficult to attack and offer a few tips to help you shed this unwanted fat and build the six pack abs you've been dreaming about.
Belly fat is different to other types of fat found in the body, and as you may have already discovered, is much harder to shed. Unlike fat that resides directly under the skin, also known as subcutaneous fat, belly fat lies deeper within the body and surrounds the organs. Scientifically referred to as visceral fat, this stubborn belly fat is very difficult to get rid of and requires a sound strategy, which combines both diet and exercise.
How to Get a Six-Pack: Diet
You may think that the perfect six-pack requires that you starve yourself. In actual fact, nothing could be further from the truth. When the body is denied food for extended periods of time, it gradually goes into "starvation mode" and begins storing fat that it may need later to function properly. This fat is stored as visceral fat and eventually settles in the midsection, creating what many refer to as a 'pot belly'.
Instead of starving yourself or taking part in one of thousands of "fast-acting" fad diets, the best diet strategy for losing stubborn fat should follow the simple rules outlined below:

  1. Eat a well-balanced diet. A well-balanced diet, which includes a healthy mix of protein, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, fruit and vegetables, is the best defense against stubborn belly fat.
  2. Eat 5-6 small meals a day. Eating smaller meals several times a day will help to boost your metabolism and assist your body in shedding unwanted belly fat on its own.
  3. Avoid junk food. This one should be a no-brainer. Avoid salty and sugary snacks such as chips, cookies and soda and replace them with healthier alternatives.
  4. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is okay in moderation, but too much alcohol will only add to the stubborn fat around your midsection and make creating the perfect six-pack almost impossible.
  5. Drink plenty of water. Try and drink at least 6-8 cups of water a day to improve your metabolism and curb hunger.

How to Get a Six-Pack: Exercise Adding exercise to the proper diet as part of your "six-pack" strategy will help you burn excess calories and sculpt your abs. When creating an exercise plan, a good rule of thumb is to combine cardio workouts (jogging, walking, cycling, etc.), weight training and body weight exercises (such as sit-ups and crunches). This combination is ideal for attacking those layers of fat which lie deeper within the body - fat which is often missed with mere crunches alone.
There is no magic formula for shedding belly fat and sculpting six-pack abs, but by combining a proper, well-balanced diet with a diverse and consistent exercise plan you will give yourself the best chance for success and you will undoubtedly begin to notice the results of your efforts in just a few short weeks.

mercoledì 13 marzo 2013

Ten most effective ab exercises

With summertime fast approaching and with it, swimsuit season, many people have their minds on getting their stomachs ready to be seen.  But what is the key to getting those abdominals picture perfect?  Some people purchase specialized machinery that claims to target the core area while others swear by routines such as yoga or aerobics.  Others join gyms and solicit help from professional personal trainers.  While all these things can help to accomplish the goal of a sleek physique, there are several
exercises that can be done with very little equipment, from home, that are extremely effective at targeting the abdominal muscles group.

#1 – Planks
Planks are one of the newest fads when it comes to abdominal exercises.  With endorsements from celebrity hotties to sports superstars, people are learning this simple way to build stronger ab muscles.  To do a plank, begin in a position where your knees and forearms are on the floor.  From this position, stretch one leg out straight until you are balancing on your toes.  Then, place the other leg in the same way and hold, keeping your core lifted, your back flat, and your abdominals tight.  Start by holding for 15 seconds and gradually work your way up to a full minute in this position.

#2 – Reverse Crunch
To perform this exercise, begin by lying on the floor on your back.  With your hands resting at your side, lift the legs until they form a 90 degree angle.  Press your lower back into the floor and use your abdominal muscles to lift your hips off the floor.  Return your hips to the floor and repeat.

#3 – The Bicycle
As its name suggests, this work out imitates the action of the legs when riding a bicycle.  To begin, lay flat on the floor on your back.  Place your hands behind your head and bring your knees into your chest.  From this position, extend the right leg out and allow the left leg that is folded to touch the right elbow.  Alternate sides, bringing the extended leg as low to the ground as you can without placing it on the floor.  Keep your lower back into the floor and the abs tight at all times.

#4 – Exercise Ball Crunch
This exercise uses a simple tool, the exercise or stability ball.  If you do not have access to a ball, you can do it on the floor as well.  To begin, balance with your lower back firm on the ball and your feet flat on the floor.  Place your hands behind your head or neck and slowly use your abs to lift your shoulders for a crunch.  Return to first position and repeat.  Watch to ensure that you are keeping your back straight, your stomach pulled in, and your legs in position.  For additional core training exercises using a stability or exercise ball, please visit here.

As with any exercise, be sure to pay attention to your body.  If you experience severe pain or have problems, stop the exercise right away and consult a physician or sports medicine professional.

How to strengthen abdominal muscles without straining your back

While many folks seemed to dislike obesity, the disease doesn't seem to be coming to a halt or even slow down a little. Instead, what fact we see today are the growing clan of overweight people. Here in the Western countries, it is viewed that we have the most overweight folks. But in spite of knowing how perilous it is in man's life, still there are numerous of us who despise to do what it takes to avoid the worst.
Now, let us discuss a little bit about the other reasons why it is good to have a six pack or flat belly: (1) It seem attractive to people; (2) it sends positive outlook and/or confidence; (3) Resilience: whether your playing in the field, or working for long hours your abdominal strength will be your friend to support you, you shall last longer and; (4) You may become a legendary underwear model.
Before we move on to placing your midsection to a proper construction, let us first take a brief look at our body structure. What many people think the same may not be. When they say stomach, they sometimes meant to say abs. Now, what is wrong with it? What we call abs or abdominal are your core muscles or your six pack as gym folks call it. The stomach is the organ where you store the food that you eat and digest it. And there are crunches and leg lifts exercises for your abs. Stomach exercises comprise feasting and drinking in various Italian restaurants.

The abdominal is a muscle group, which is made up of four muscles:
* Rectus abdominis is the largest muscle in the abs, it is wide, flat sheet of muscles that runs from just under the lower part of your chest to just below your belly button. When you do abdominal crunches, the rectus abdominis muscle is at work.
*Internal oblique and external oblique, which run diagonally along your sides, not only assist the rectus in curling the spine, but also twist and bend your upper body. These muscles wrap around your waist, and when properly conditioned, provide much needed support for your lower back. In essence, the obliques are the world's most comfortable, form-fitting girdle.
*Transversus abdominis, which sounds like a phrase from a Latin Mass, is the deepest of all the muscles in your abs. Located directly below the rectus abdominis, it is called into action when you sneeze, cough, or exhale forcefully. There are no specific exercises you can do to target this muscles, however, you can strengthen the transversus abdominis by forcefully exhaling during the positive phase of your ab exercises.

uncovered the secret, it is time for work out.
If you are stuck on the roof of your house after a devastating flood, there is just one best ab exercise: crunch. Done properly, you are bound to feel a nice burn in no time flat. Here is the step by step on how to perform it.
1. Lie on a the ground with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Depending on your level of fitness, you can place your arms in any of the three following positions:

Novice: Arms straight at your sides and your fingers pointing towards your knees.
Intermediate: Your arms crossed over your chest.
Advance: Your elbows bent and your fingers overlapping behind your neck.
2. Tighten your stomach muscles and slowly curl your torso up until your shoulder blades are off the floor.
3. Slowly return to your starting position without completely relaxing on the floor.
Note: When you are performing this stunt, make sure you are not pulling your head forward or upward. Your hand on your nape are suppose to support and maintain it's straightness or neutral alignment, but "not to break it".
Reverse Crunches
Here is a tricky one that takes some time to get used to. it's not nearly as impressive-looking as some of the insane leg lifts and other things you'll see people doing in an effort to strengthen their lower abs, but its far more safe and effective.
1. Lie on a mat with your legs up and knees slightly bent. In the staring positions you'll look like a big boomerang.

2. Rest your arms on the floor at your sides.
3. Keep your head on the mat and tighten your abdominal.
4. Lift your buttocks off the floor so that your legs go up and slightly backward toward your head.
5. Hold this position for a second and slowly return to the starting position.
Note: Because your abdominal muscles assist when you forcefully exhale, breathing out during the positive phase of your ab exercise help you get an even better contraction.
Side oblique

Here is how to appropriately execute it:
1. Lie on a mat on your right side with your knees bent.
2. Place both hands behind your neck and keep your head looking straight at the ceiling.
3. Use your oblique muscles to lift your upper body slightly off the mat.
4. Hold yourself off the mat for a second and then return to your starting position.

martedì 12 marzo 2013

How to Get Six Pack Abs in Time for Summer.

Do you want six pack abs in time for summer? let me show you the easy way to a killer six pack with the correct diet and exercise.
Six pack abs dont come easy - unless you've read this excellent article. Many people get into fitness for the purpose of developing a great midsection. The secret to attaining a great Six Pack quickly is not exercise, Although that is a big part of it. The fact of the matter is you need to lose that layer of fat that is actually hiding your abs and of course toning your midsection will help.
You can do as many crunches or sit ups until you are blue in the face but unless you lose that layer of flab which is hiding your abs you wont achieve your goal and may even add to your problem. Think about it if your muscles become stronger and bigger under that layer of flab it will only add to the problem right?
So lets get you started.. What is needed here is a mix of smart dieting and exercise - along with a positive mental attitude.
Here are 5 steps which are guaranteed to get those sexy abs in time for summer.

1. Diet:
Eat small, well-distributed meals throughout the day. Your meals need to consistently include a high protein intake, moderate fat, and minimum levels of complex carbohydrates. Avoid fatty foods and those with excess sugar.
2. Cardio Workouts:
You have to perform some form of cardio exercise at least 3 times a week, for 25 - 60 minutes. It doesn't matter what you do - running, walking, cycling, as long as it increases your heart rate sufficiently. Studies have shown that cardio exercises in the morning will help to burn more fat.
3. Exercises:
Research shows that the most effective abs exercises are exercise ball crunches, lying bicycle crunches, and Roman Chair leg raises. Simply perform these 2-3 times a week.
4. Foods To Avoid:
It is important NOT to eat foods rich in carbohydrates for example Rice, Pasta, Potatoes and Bread. By cutting your carbohydrate intake, you not only reduce calories, but you also deplete the body's primary source of energy, causing your body to burn fat as its primary source of energy.

5. Eat Right:
There are also five foods that actually assist the fat burning process. Remember you already have abs! There just hidden under a layer of fat. A free video presentation has been put together one for men and one for women which reveals unusual ways to burn abdominal fat and get those tight sexy abs in time for summer. Check out the link below. This is the key to keeping your Six Pack Abs.

Follow this guide and you'll be ripped in time for summer theres nothing sexier than a six pack. Dont forget to check out the free video presentation in the link below "5 Foods that FIGHT Abdominal Fat" I wish you the best of luck in attaining and keeping your six pack abs remember determination and dedication are key.

Six Pack Abs: The Three Biggest Mistakes

Many people think that doing tons of crunches or going on a starvation diet will get them those sexy six-pack abs that girls adore and guys respect. And yet, of the people that implement this so-called “conventional wisdom,” nearly just as many people fail. Is it because having a six-pack is something that only a select few are worthy enough to achieve, like the genetically gifted or the extremely strong willed?
I’m here to tell you that it’s probably not your willpower (or alleged lack thereof) that’s keeping you from reaching your fitness goals. Yes, willpower is definitely important, but even with all the willpower in the world, if you’re using the wrong methods you will never get the results you want and deserve.
People quit their cardio routines and stringent diets not only because they’re difficult to sustain, but after all the hard work they’ve done, they end up with little or no results to show for it. Why stick with something that doesn’t work for you?
If you’ve tried working out the “regular” way and have yet to make any progress, you might have been making three of the biggest mistakes possible when trying to get six-pack abs.
Mistake #1: Doing tons of sit-ups and crunches

Sit-ups and crunches are direct abdominal exercises that are meant to build the muscles in your core. But crunches alone do not burn the fat that covers your core. You can do as many crunches as you want, but at the end of the day, if there’s still a layer of fat on your stomach, you will never see the abs underneath. In fact, without fat loss, crunches and sit-ups can actually make things worse.
If you’re building up your core muscles but not stripping away any of the fat that covers them, your stomach will bulge out even more due to the extra muscle underneath. 
The solution? Total-body exercises that engage multiple muscle groups at once and stimulate fat reduction over your entire body. You might be thinking, of course, that’s where tons of cardio comes in. WRONG.
Mistake #2: Doing lots of cardio

Yes, you read that correctly - running on a treadmill for an hour or more every day is actually a big waste of your time. Have you ever watched the “calories burned” display on your treadmill? After 30 minutes of jogging at a moderate pace, how many calories do you typically burn? 1500? 1000? 

As it turns out, an individual who weighs 150 pounds will burn 225 calories in 30 minutes if they walk on a treadmill at a very brisk pace. If you really work your butt off and run a 7-minute mile for 30 minutes, you’ll burn about 500 calories. The question then becomes: is 300, or even 500 calories a day, really going to help you get rid of all the fat that’s covering your abs?
Sure, it’s better than nothing. But consider the fact that one McDonald’s cheeseburger has around 300 calories. Burning just 300, or even 500 calories on the treadmill is not even close to matching all the calories you’re getting from breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

The take-home point: cardio by itself just doesn’t burn enough calories to truly be effective for fat lossâ€"at least for the degree of fat loss needed for a six-pack. Where does that leave us?
Would decreasing the amount of calories consumed help at all? Yes, but not in the way you might think.
Mistake #3: Going on a diet
When most people use that phrase, they’re usually talking about changing their eating habits temporarily, until they lose fat. Once they see the results they want, they revert back to their original eating habits. And those are just the people who actually see results; many people work for years and still can’t get their abs to show.
What’s the problem? First of all, the conventional “dieting” concept is flawed at a fundamental level. If unhealthy eating habits lead to you being out of shape in the first place, how can you expect anything different when you resume those same habits after going on a “diet?” You can't.
Secondly, dieting in this way may actually cause you to pack on more fat in the end. When you abnormally decrease your caloric intake with an over-restrictive diet, your metabolism slows down. It wouldn’t make sense for your body to metabolize food faster when it’s not getting enough food in the first place. You might lose some excess fat at first, but eventually, with too little calories, your body begins to hold on to any of the energy resources it has (i.e. fat).
When you switch back to your old habits, you’ll gain weight a lot faster now that you have an even slower metabolism than you started with. Is that what we’re trying to accomplish here? Absolutely not.
So what IS the solution to all of these problems â€" the pointless sit-ups, the inadequate cardio, the counterproductive diet. 

Summarized simply, you need to
1) Increase your overall muscle mass by doing compound exercises like the squat, dead lift, and bench press, among others. Increased muscle mass will help you achieve step 2.
2) Increase your metabolism. Your body must burn extra calories in order to maintain all the extra muscle you packed on. This means your body will break down food much faster too, keeping it from being stored as fat. But in order to gain muscle you must also...
3) Eat the proper foods, but don’t avoid food altogether. Lean meats like boneless, skinless chicken breasts are packed with protein for muscle development but have very little fat. If you still have a sweet tooth, a handful of grapes or strawberries will do you a lot better than a doughnut. 

When used in the right way, steps 1-3 can help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted, and faster than you’ve ever thought possible. You won’t even have to spend hours in the gym either; you will get optimal results just by working out four times per week for 30 minutes each session.

Six Pack Abs And How To Get Them

Every single one of us will gravitate toward how we look when we want to improve our beauty. Every magazine is filled with famous people who are showing off their amazing six pack abs [] and lean bodies. This article has a number of helpful tips that will aid you in doing something about your appearance. You don't need to feel pressured into making a difference but you can still do it for the right reasons... yourself.
You'll get more than just six pack abs with the right methods we'll be sharing with you, imagine just how great you'll feel the more healthy you become.
First find yourself a great source for information, because the more you know about how your body behaves the more you'll be able to manipulate it, the internet is a great place to start for many. A good program should always include a mix of exercise with a good healthy diet. Remember an expensive exercise program doesn't necessarily mean that you'll get better looking six pack abs than you would get with a low-cost program you can do in the privacy of your own home.
Tip #1: Eat right. Eat at the right time.
Both men and women will first need to start by taking inventory of what you're eating, this is an easy place to start to working on getting your own six pack abs. Skipping meals or eating several large ones throughout the day is not an uncommon occurrence for many people. Focus your meals in to smaller packages but more often throughout the day, try six meals for best results.
Also, cut sugars, hydrogenated oils, white bread, white pasta, soda and anything with high fructose corn syrup out of your diet. Keep in mind that this restriction on your diet doesn't mean you need to sacrifice, there are plenty of great ways to keep yourself satisfied.
There are a number of things you can utilize in your diet which can include eating more oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken, nuts, and whole grains.
The goal is to consume a diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in protein.
Tip #2: Perform the right exercise.
The next step in your quest for six pack abs is to start a full-body workout, essentially you need a combo of cardio, weights, and ab exercises. You don't really want to do your workout programs every single day, you could do more damage than good. You need time to heal, about two or three days a week would certainly do the body good.
In addition to any cardio your doing try adding some speed training as well for maximum benefit. To maximize the amount of calories you burn include weightlifting on the days you're not doing cardio, this should be done at least twice a week in 30 minute intervals.
Each of your cardio and weightlifting workouts should also include something for you abs and remember when you start feeling the pain don't give up. It won't be easy, but overtime you'll start noticing a difference. Can you imagine, with in 90 days you literally will not be the same person.
In your quest to get six pack abs that you could be proud of, just apply what you've learned in this article and you will succeed. The key is to give it your all, really commit yourself this time, don't give up. It just takes discipline and the right attitude, when you're ready to devote yourself to the change it will happen.

lunedì 11 marzo 2013

How make your abdominal muscles harder and more visible

The abdominals are one of the shyest muscles in the body. It takes a lot of hard work, effort and persuasion to get them to show. Making those abdominal muscles more visible will take some perseverance, sweat and time but the end result is worth it. If your abdominal muscles are hard and visible then the rest of your body is going to be lean and sexy too.
1 – Reduce the fat around your belly by doing cardio every day. Aerobic activity like running, cycling, walking, and swimming will help you burn fat around your entire body and finally from your belly. Belly fat is usually the last to go so you have to be patient. Complete 5 x 60 minute cardio sessions every week as well as 2 x 30 minute interval sessions to burn fat and help your abdominal muscles show.
2 – Complete abdominal exercises that go beyond crunches and sit ups. Crunches and sit ups are okay but they aren’t necessarily going to give you harder and more visible abdominals. Add a few sessions of yoga and Pilates which help work the deeper abdominal muscles and are a lot more effective than ordinary crunches.
3 – Weight train regularly for an all over body workout. You can’t get lean abdominals without workout the rest of your body. Train your entire body with weights at least twice a week. Do compound exercises like lunges, squats, push ups and pulls ups which will work other muscles as well as your abdominals.
4 – Stop eating sugar and fill up on vegetables instead. Sugar and fat are going to keep your abdominals from clear view. Even a few pieces of chocolate and an extra mocha each week can mean that you won’t see those abs you’re after. Leave sugar for a treat that is limited to once a week or even better once a fortnight. Bite into an apple or carrot when sugar cravings hit.
5 – Decrease your portion sizes and eat every three hours to keep your metabolism revved. A faster metabolism means a leaner body. A leaner body results in visible and hard abs. Stop eating when you’re about seventy percent full and avoid reaching for seconds. Small portions at regular intervals is the most effective way to visible abs. Keep each meal at about 300 calories for a total of 1800 calories per day if you’re a female. For males, aim for 400 calories per meal for a total of 2400 calories per day.

Abs fitness workout: How to get six-pack abs

Assuming you want to get six pack abs, here is how you do it. These exercises and fitness guidelines will give you a battle plan for getting fitter and, more importantly, ripped.
Be Warned: If you want a ripped six pack, it will take work. This is an effective method, but it does require a lot of you.
 Ab Exercises
Unsurprisingly, if you want to have well-defined abs then ab exercises will be a great help. These will not only work your rectus abdominis, your 'six pack' muscle, but your other ab muscles as well.
As always, take it slow in the beginning when you're starting out. No sense in going too fast in the beginning, only to break something and have to slow down afterward.
- Ab Bicycles -
Ab bicycles are a basic abs exercise that requires you to almost knee yourself in the face to get that ab burn. Avoid that and you'll strengthen your abs and remove the major potential for injury with this exercise.
Start out lying on your back, with your hands clasped behind your head. Lift your head off the floor and bring your left knee and right elbow as close together as possible. Then kick your left leg out, slightly uncurl your abs, and bring you right knee and left elbow closer.
The extension of the leg not flexing up to touch your elbow gives your legs the appearance of pedaling a bicycle. Thus, ab bicycles.
- Reverse Crunches -
Reverse crunches are just like regular ab crunches - except backwards.
Start lying on your back with your hands clasped behind your head. Your knees should be bent, with the soles of your feet on the ground and slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
Your head and arm should be lifted off the ground for the duration of this exercise, forcing you to contract your upper abs. For the exercise movement itself, keeping your own body stiff & contract your abs to pull your knees up and into your stomach. Then slowly relax your abs and allow your feet to return to the floor - that's one repetition.
- Ab Vacuums -
Ab vacuums work your inner abdominal muscles. This is a really simple exercise: simply pull in your stomach as much as you can - like you might to show off how slim you are. Then relax and let your stomach back out.
As far as getting you beautiful abs, this exercise will build a healthy level of tension in you inner ab muscles - helping you to have that slim, stomach-tucked-in-&-abs-ripped look all the time.
- Planks -
Planks, especially planks on stability balls or other unstable surfaces, work wonders
to build strength in your core muscles. This works your abdominal muscle's stabilizing ability. Creating a rock solid core!
For the basic plank, start lying face down on the floor. Place your forearms down in front of your face on the floor, in a triangle with your clasped hands just in front of your head. Then, lift your body parallel to the floor, supported with just your forearms and toes.
This is a basic plank to get you started. There are tons of other plank variations that you can try (3 point, stability ball, one arm, etc.) - way too many to list here!
 Weight Training
Alas, abdominal training is not enough. That will strengthen your abs, but strengthening the rest of your body will greatly accelerate your efforts.
First, full-body weight training with dumbbells, barbells, or any other means will raise your metabolism for many hours after the workout. This helps you burn more calories and reduce your body fat.
Also, building muscle mass will give you an all around more muscular look. And since you're going for a beautiful body, this will greatly help.
 Correct Diet
Even if your'e training your abs with a great fitness routine, you still need to eat a little less than usual. You're trying to lose fat in order to show off your abs - cut back on your food a bit when you're working out.
 So, there's a great outline for an abs fitness workout. It will build your abdominal muscles into bigger and much more intimidating organs.
You can also check out these pages on six pack stomach info and tips, which will give you a lot more guidance for getting ripped abs (and photos of the different exercises). Also, try these 6 pack abs diet guidelines to make sure that your diet supports your workout.

How to exercise your abs by using a ball

Exercise balls are the perfect complement to any ab routine.  There are several exercises you can do on one of these, and the real value is that they create a somewhat unstable base for you to work on and so you must utilize stabilizer muscles while performing the workout.  This increases the difficulty and ensures you get everything you can out of your gym time.  So let’s get started.
Ball Crunches
First, sit on a ball of the appropriate size, and then slide yourself forward until the ball is under your lower back.  Place your hands on your hips, and then lean back.  Ensure the ball feels comfortable.  If it doesn’t, you may need to reposition it slightly so that it is properly supporting you.  Then do crunches by starting with your upper body in a horizontal position and crunching forward with your abs, moving no more than about 6 inches.  Repeat this for as many reps as you can.  This mainly works your mid to upper abs.
Ball Leg Raises
Position a ball near something you can hold on to.  Sit on the ball, and then lean back and grab your support.  You want the ball to be below the middle of your back.  When you are stable, raise your legs off the floor.  Then perform leg raises by raising your legs together until they are nearly vertical and lower them until they are just above the floor, and repeat.  This focuses on your lower abs.
Ball Side Crunch
Lie on a mat and place your feet on a ball so that your thighs are perpendicular with the floor, and place your hands behind your head.  Perform the crunch by alternating raising your right side such that you try to move your right elbow toward your left knee, and then lower and raise your left elbow toward your right knee, and then repeat.  This exercise works your oblique muscles.
Ball Plank
Lean forward and rest your forearms on a ball, with your elbows bent 90 degrees.  Straighten out your back so that your feet are on the ground with your arms touching the ball and your entire body completely straight.  This makes you look like a plank, and hence that is the name of the exercise.  This works all your core muscles and especially your abs.  Hold this position as long as you can.
These are a few of the exercises you can perform on a ball to strengthen your ab.  Any of them will make a nice addition to your ab routine, or they can be put together to create a whole new routine.  Don’t forget to eat properly and you’ll see that six pack before you know it.

How to burn abdominal fat

Everyone wants to have a flat stomach, or what’s known as “six pack abs.” For most people, their abs are not visible because they’re hidden under an accumulation of fat. Our eating habits and sedentary lifestyle, are contributing factors in these fat deposits. What can you do to lose abdominal fat, and get closer to them appearing? It’ll take consistency, and a great deal of dedication to stick to the necessary steps to get closer to flat abs. You can do all the abdominal exercises you want, and go to the gym and use fancy ab machines, but that won’t get you anywhere closer to better looking abs alone. There’s no magic potion that can help you either, but there are a few lifestyle changes you can make if you want to succeed.
- Dietary changes.
The most important part in the fat loss equation is diet. Make a list of everything you’re eating daily. Take notice of the foods that are high in fat and sugar, and make an estimate of the total amount of calories you’re consuming each day. If you’re overeating, those calories are being stored as body fat. That doesn’t mean that you should starve yourself either, because if you eat too little, you’ll slow down your metabolism, which does the same. You’re goal is to find the right balance of calories for you, so you’ll burn the calories you eat, and burn stored body fat as well. You should be following a healthier diet, one which includes fruits, green vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates, such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, and oatmeal. For fat loss, it’s a good rule, that you follow a diet which has the least amount of processed foods in it. It’s also important that you know how to eat to get your metabolism working for you as best as possible, such as by eating 5-6 small meals per day, and never skipping breakfast.
- Have more meals throughout the day.
The more smaller meals you eat each day, you’ll build muscle, burn fat, and with proper resistance training, you’ll be on your way to seeing those abs. It does take some planning to prepare your meals, making an eating schedule and sticking to it, and you need to make sure you always have something to eat for those times you’re on the go. It becomes easy once you get the hang of it. I usually prepare extra food whenever I cook, so at least I’ll have another 2 days worth of leftovers I can put in plastic containers and take with me to
work. I also make sure I have a few packaged snacks in my bag, such as protein bars or granola bars for those unexpected moments I can’t have a meal as I’d like. Eating right isn’t always easy, but the body you’ll be achieving will make having the patience and taking the time to prepare healthier food worth it. The easiest way to stay away from excess calories, that you’d otherwise store as fat, is to prepare your own food, and have it ready to go when you need it. If you don’t feed your body a few times per day, and get the proper amount of calories, your body will go into starvation mode, your metabolism will slow down, and you’ll do the opposite of what you’re intending, by storing body fat instead. By feeding your muscles and your metabolism, combined with weight training, you’ll be speeding up your metabolism and burning body fat due to the addition of lean muscle mass.
- The importance of protein.
It’s very important that you keep your protein intake high when you’re dieting to make sure you don’t burn off any muscle tissue in your quest for six pack abs. The reason why you need protein in your diet, is because it’ll boost your metabolism, burn more fat, and help preserve and build your lean muscle tissue. Most people neglect this part of the fat loss equation, and instead they burn up their muscle, because they don’t get enough of the right foods to support the muscle building process.

- Drink water.
One of the best ways to lose abdominal fat is to drink a sufficient amount of water. Most of us do not consume the recommended amount of 8 8 oz glasses of water per day, and that’s not nearly enough to lose body fat. You should really be aiming for a full gallon of water per day. When you start getting a sufficient amount of water, you’ll be optimizing your bodily functions, allowing it to run more efficiently and start burning stored body fat for energy. It’s also a good idea that you reach for a glass the next time you’re hungry, because you may be mistaking thirst for hunger. Wait a few minutes, and determine if you’re still hungry or not. What temperature should the water be? There are different theories to it. According to Ayurveda, drinking as much hot water as possible helps burn fat. On the other hand, some studies point out that drinking ice cold water is best, providing a thermogenic effect. I say go with your preference. If you’re
like me and you much rather prefer to linger over a few cups of hot tea each day, that’s fine. As far as the case for ice cold water goes, the body is forced to heat the water up, and doing so takes energy, i.e., calories. You can burn another 50 to 100 percent by drinking one half gallon of ice cold water per day.
- Exercise.
In combination with a healthy diet, exercise is a very valuable tool for weight loss. You should be doing both weight training and cardiovascular training. A lot of people do one without the other, but they’ll never quite reach the results they could if they did both. Weight training is the best way to burn fat and boost your metabolism, and that’s why it’s important that you build muscle and do everything you should to hold onto it, such as eat enough, and rest after hard workouts. You can also do abdominal exercises, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get closer to a six pack, but that’s where diet and cardio training come in to help.
- Especially weight train.
Most people, especially women shy away from weight training, because they think they’ll “bulk up.” This is not the case. And, for men who decide on not lifting weights to “appear thinner,” it’s the wrong idea for having a fit body. To burn abdominal fat, I’ve talked about the importance of increasing your metabolism, and that’s what weight training does. After an intense weight training session, your metabolism will remain elevated for up to 39 hours after your actual workout. So, your metabolism will remain stimulated where you burn more calories while you’re doing nothing.
Eat right, exercise, and do everything you can to have your metabolism working for you, and you’ll turn your body into a fat burning machine. In time, you’ll see the big difference you’ve made in the amount of abdominal fat you’ve lost.

Six Pack Workout Men Special Program

All men who have flab around their waist finally have something to smile about. The six pack workout men exercise regimen helps men to build muscle fast and lose body fat. Most men who have started this routine exercise regimen are happy with the results. This is because they are not spending long hours in the gym but they are getting results with this exercise program.
What most men who want to lose weight do not realize is that the exercise should be aimed at toning all the muscles. Actually, what makes the six pack workout men exercises so successful in burning body fat is the fact that it helps to tone all the muscles. It is actually one of the best exercises that will focus on getting all your body muscles well toned. Make sure that the workouts are routine so that you can lose body fat fast.
For those people who do not like going to the gym, then there is a special six pack workout men manual for them. This means that you can do the exercises from your home gym. Actually you just need some space to do the exercises. This means that even when you travel or you are away from home, you can still do the exercises. It takes a lot of determination for one to lose weight and get a six pack. But immediately you start seeing results you will be motivated to even exercise more.
Unlike other strength training exercises that require one to exercise for long sessions, when you adopt the six pack workout men's routine, you will be impressed by the fact that the sessions are of short intervals but intense. Actually the secret to burning more calories and consequently losing more weight is regular short and intense strength training exercises. Your work out sessions should be short but ensure that you follow the instructions on what exercises you should be doing and for how long you should do them.
Men who want to improve their looks and their self esteem should adopt the six pack workout men exercise routine. If you feel good about yourself, you can achieve more. Your confidence will boost your chances of being successful in life. You should therefore ensure that you look good by paying attention to what you eat, and exercising regularly. Within a short time, you will have transformed your life. It is a good feeling to smile every time you look at the mirror. You will if your get the six pack abs.

Methods to Achieve Six Pack Abs Accurately

Six pack abs are a muscles collection that needs the same method and recognition and are not virtually any unique from other muscle tissues. For some reason several individuals contemplate stomach muscles to be a extraordinary part of the body that needs a diverse collection of protocols and a totally varied method for training. Six pack abs wer'e not provided a special knowledge to unleash. To get thick, compressed abs, the ones that stick out, you have to train them with power and excess. Here are a few helpful hints you could utilize to your application in order that you can be that woman / man at your gym with cut and muscular six-pack abs. Then I'll offer a trial program..!
If you ever can sculpt one body part to excellence for next summer season, what can it be? Think about hard six pack abs! I do not know any one who doesn't desire to decrease their waistline, lose body fat, eradicate lower back discomfort and acquire amazing list of rock-hard six-pack abs. Building toned 6 pack abs isn't the toughest thing to accomplish in the planet but it is certainly not the most convenient. Before you could initiate knowing ways to get six-pack abdominals and find out the fact about the required steps to make a valuable belly section, you need to first expose the fakes, misconceptions. Before we chat about ways to get 6-pack abdominals, the appropriate way, we should re-word your intrinsic data base and eliminate the trash can you have been completely provided with.
Because of all this over hyped and ill-judged information - also among what are known as exercise experts, you'll want to be skeptical of all belly training equipment and applications. Foremost, take away the top four methods not to get abs.
Learning how you can get 6-pack abdominals doesn't necessitate steeply-priced work out equipment advocated through ridiculous tv commercials. You can not turn on the Telly to any further extent without understanding 2 fresh ab fitness models being endorsed at once.
There are actually plenty of of them that if you ever get suckered inside these perfect abdominals workout cons, you can expect to go broke speedier than a poorly planned vocation. And get this, of the vast amounts of money put in on training gear , abdominal products receive a big slice.
Finding out the right way to get a hard six pack abs will not call for thousands or also hundreds of ab situps on a daily basis. Ab situps are good but totally overused and associated with additional being improved. Ab exercises are a very typical physical fitness, and normal exercise sessions get standard effects. Too much floor ab sit ups reduce the stomach wall, pull your head forward and focus on inappropriate pose. They additionally include a very low level of stimulation which does not provide decent muscle mass fiber denseness. Discovering how to get six pack abs will not include starvation diet plans . Starvation weight loss diets deny the lean muscle when it is best to be serving the muscle mass alternatively. You know what comes about when you deny your whole body? Your fat burning capacity turns off to survive and causes your entire body to store fat. Your entire body must get electrical power from somewhere, so do you know what gets made use of in it is place? Yes it's true, your valuable muscle tissue which is, indeed, liable for maintaining a high metabolic process.
Mastering how you can get a six pack abdominals does not require fat burning supplements . What did the very last bodyweight loss tablet you aquired do for you personally? The exact same thing the next one carry out, not anything! With the exception of give you a leaner finances but not a thinner stomach. The complete thought of consuming products to lose fat is constructed on a weak foundation and misleading because diet supplements only treat the symptoms and not the root cause. Without concentrating on the actual issues of a unattractive abdominals, like malnutrition, a nuts lifestyle and inappropriate coaching , you can expect to just end up the spot where you originated, a greater distance away from possessing six pack abs for summertime instead of quicker.
Like all muscle mass crew, all you may do is teach them as hard as possible and pray your genetics manage what's left. You can not adjust the condition. position or separating of your 6 pack abs. You can't move them around and stick them where you require. Your inherited genes will have an effect on to what measure they come out and to what degree they remain smoother or flatter.
What is great is that abdominals are abs and as soon as your body fat stages are around 3-seven percent you will be assured to wow individuals, along with yourself, with a list of amazing 6-pack abs. Even though genetics play a large function in how they are, it is critical to recognise the way to train them to create them look their most effective.

Amazing Six Pack Abs Exercise Workout Advice

These are some effective abs workout that can strengthen and keep your abdominal muscles firm. It is a new exercise for abs if your goal is to tone your waistline and have a nice flat stomach. The first thing to do is to find an exercise pattern that can eliminate the layers of fat on top of your abs. And the most effective way of flattening your stomach is a combination of strength training that involves a cardiovascular exercise and constant blood sugar.
Cardio exercises start with strength training and do some weight lifting because it would help, but not as much as aerobic exercise. Do some running, swimming and biking. These exercises can build up self endurance. Interval training is also great. To get better results try to add some ab exercises after the cardio. Just ensure to work your whole torso, not just the upper and lower abs, lower back and the muscles that wrap around your sides. Less Fat and Sugar try to avoid foods that are rich in fat and sugar by planning your diet. If all your foods are filled with both, you'll never get a flat stomach you wanted. Try to avoid meat, dairy, eggs and stay away from fried food and sugary desserts. That doesn't mean to starve you; just practice to eat healthy. You don't have to deprive yourself too much. Just avoid bad stuff or control yourself; a vegan diet is the best since it is balanced and rich in vegetable protein, calcium and minerals.
Stomach exercise can be done easily and show results within 3 weeks, or two months if you're just being keen on losing fat. If you can have a gradual weight loss then it is healthier and more likely easier to sustain over time. So go for a lifestyle change that is something you can live with for the rest of your life. Abs Exercise can be performed 3-5 times a week. Just slowly start with exercises and some repetitions that are comfortable for your fitness level. When you slowly improve then increase the number of repetitions take note to simply select the exercises that work well for you. To form some progressive strength trainings follow this guide to get a fabulous result.
The primary function of the ab muscle is to flex your torso forward though there are also muscles that flex your torso to the side and muscles that rotate your torso. You'll see a lot of people on their ab roller every day doing hundreds of crunches or sit-ups but if you want to effectively strengthen your stomach you need to incorporate the following types of exercises:
1-2 forward flexion exercises (crunch, sit-up, etc.)
1-2 side flexion exercises (side bends, side crunches, etc.)
1-2 rotational exercises (trunk rotations, standing twists, etc.)
Abs is muscles that should be worked 3 times per week. Ensure that your exercise training will progressively be difficult each time by using short, hard cardio workouts just to increase metabolism.